目前分類:Experience Sharing 心得分享 (4)

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前天在光電業龍頭大廠友逹講授Panel Interview and Rational Hiring Decision Making課程, 過程進行地頗為成功順利,學員們雖然都是EE(電子電機背景)的中高階主管,不過他們認真地終身學習、主動積極的態度,是連很多在校生都比不上的哦! 這應該就是他們之所以會成為主管的原因吧~ 

這是我在多家國際大公司授課的發現,也是所謂'主管的必備能力',如果你現在還未成為主管,但未來想成為一位成功的主管/ 領導者,那麼請朝著這個方向多努力吧!!


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經營了自己的事業幾個月了,才發現原來真的不容易, 但是我有了佷多的成長與學習!  現在我發覺, 原來天天有很多事情忙, 對我自己來說是一件很快樂的事。不過,我也不後悔能多有一些時間與家人相處、一起共渡難關!

人生是一場永遠'平衡中' 的遊戲,生活&事業,自己&別人,好事&壞事,主動&被動,生理&心靈,財富&健康......

也許,只有得道的聖人或智者才能得到無瑕完美的平衡吧! 你覺得呢?

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Recently, there are some frustration occurring in one of my recently training case.  The feedback from the participants was just 'good' not 'great'.  Hence, the consulting firm temporaly stoping asking me to deliver their lectures. 

It was a shock to me, I never imagine this could happen to me.  I was pretty down for 2 days.   But, I didn't want to quit and be a loser, so, I reviewed myself and start again.   It's really a 'non-confort zone' for me.  It's hard and painful, but I believe that I will overcome the obstacles and be even more successful than before.

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Friday mid-night, I returned from an Annual HR Professionals Conference in HK. There were HR professionals, trainers, business managers and a psychologist from China, HK and Taiwan. I am very happy to know that there are so many HR professionals who always want to help the employees and the organizations, to fight for the best interests of their people, and to make a difference in their organizations. I felt there’s no boundary between each of us.

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