

There are lots of books and researches discussing how people can be successful to achieving their goals/missions.  After several years of analysis and field experiments, I summarized a universal law of success which can be converted into the equation as follows:


Key to Success= Determination + Clear Goals


沒有人可以成功地逹成一個目標,但先前確不知道目標是什麼。(不然,怎麼能確定他們逹成的是什麼?) 有了決心(或有人稱之為企圖心”),縱使當下你不知道如何逹成你的目標,你也一定會找到方法來完成目標。歷史上最著名的例子就是愛廸生燈泡的發明者,他先有了一個確切的目標,然後,不管他失敗了多少次,他仍然堅持繼續嘗試、不放棄。歷經上百次的失敗後,他終於發明了燈泡。(你可以想像,如果愛廸生試了幾次就放棄,那今日的世界將會是如何?)

No one can achieve any goal without identifying it first. (Or how can he/she be sure that they achieve it?) With determination (or some call it ‘intention’), you will find ways to achieve it.  The most famous example is Thomas Alva Edison, the inventor of light bulb.  At first, he only had a clear goal to invent a form of stable light and no matter how many times he failed, he still insisted/determined to continue trying. At last he succeeded.



Do you have goals in your life? Do you want to be successful? Yet you are still waiting for something ‘magical’ to happen? Wake up!! It won’t happen unless you decide/determine to succeed and identify your goals clearly.



Let’s talk more about the ‘Equation of Success’ next time.


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